BIDS examples
BIDS examples datasets contain empty (example) raw data files and can assist you in converting your own dataset into a BIDS compliant dataset, or to run some tests with your code...
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
2d_mb_pcasl | Siemens 2D MultiBand Multi-delay PCASL (m0 and noRF included within timeseries) | anat, fmap, perf | T1w, asl, aslcontext, epi | link | @aptinis |
asl001 | T1w, asl (GE, PCASL, 3D_SPIRAL), m0scan within timeseries | anat, perf | T1w, asl, aslcontext, asllabeling | link | @patsycle |
asl002 | T1w, asl (Philips, PCASL, 2D_EPI), m0scan as separate scan | anat, perf | T1w, asl, aslcontext, asllabeling, m0scan | link | @patsycle |
asl003 | T1w, asl (Siemens, PASL, multiTI), M0scan as separate scan | anat, perf | T1w, asl, aslcontext, asllabeling, m0scan | link | @patsycle |
asl004 | T1w, asl (Siemens, PCASL, multiPLD with pepolar), m0scan separate scans with pepolar approach | anat, fmap, perf | T1w, asl, aslcontext, asllabeling, m0scan | link | @patsycle |
asl005 | T1w, asl (Siemens, PCASL, singleTI, 3D_GRASE), m0scan as separate scan | anat, perf | T1w, asl, aslcontext, asllabeling, m0scan | link | @patsycle |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
ds000117 | A multi-subject, multi-modal human neuroimaging dataset of 19 subjects on a MEG visual task | anat, beh, dwi, fmap, func, meg | FLASH, T1w, bold, channels, coordsystem, dwi, events, headshape, magnitude1, magnitude2, meg, phasediff, scans | link | @RikHenson |
eeg_ds003645s_hed_demo | Shows usage of Hierarchical Event Descriptor (HED) in .tsv files | anat, beh, eeg, micr, motion | KSSSleep, SPIM, beh, channels, coordsystem, defacemask, eeg, electrodes, events, motion, photo, samples, scans | link | @VisLab |
synthetic | A synthetic dataset | anat, beh, func | T1w, beh, bold, events, physio, scans, sessions, stim | n/a | @effigies |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
eeg_cbm | Rest EEG. European Data Format (.edf) | eeg | channels, eeg, events, scans | n/a | @cpernet |
eeg_ds003645s_hed_library | HED annotation using HED library vocabularies (schema). | eeg | channels, eeg, events | link | @VisLab |
eeg_face13 | Deconstructing the early visual electrocortical response to face and house stimuli. EDF format | eeg | channels, coordsystem, eeg, electrodes, events | n/a | @andesha |
eeg_matchingpennies | Offline data of BCI experiment decoding left vs. right hand movement. BrainVision data format (.eeg, .vhdr, .vmrk) | eeg | channels, eeg, events | link | @sappelhoff |
eeg_rishikesh | Mind wandering experiment. EEG data in Biosemi (.bdf) format | eeg | channels, eeg, events | link | @arnodelorme |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
ds000117 | A multi-subject, multi-modal human neuroimaging dataset of 19 subjects on a MEG visual task | anat, beh, dwi, fmap, func, meg | FLASH, T1w, bold, channels, coordsystem, dwi, events, headshape, magnitude1, magnitude2, meg, phasediff, scans | link | @RikHenson |
ds114 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | anat, dwi, func | T1w, bold, dwi, events | link | n/a |
dwi_deriv | exemplifies the storage of diffusion MRI derivates that may be generated on the Siemens XA platform. | dwi | dwi | n/a | n/a |
eeg_rest_fmri | Resting state with simultaneous fMRI. BrainVision data format (.eeg, .vhdr, .vmrk) | anat, dwi, eeg, func | T1w, bold, dwi, eeg | n/a | @cpernet |
genetics_ukbb | multiple tasks, T1w, DTI, BOLD, genetic info | anat, dwi, func | FLAIR, T1w, bold, dwi, events, info | n/a | @cpernet |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
ieeg_epilepsyNWB | multiple sessions, tutorial — derivative dataset of ieeg_epilepsy showcasing the NWB file format alternative |
anat, ieeg | T1w, channels, coordsystem, electrodes, events, ieeg, scans | link | @TheChymera |
ieeg_epilepsy | multiple sessions, tutorial | anat, ieeg | T1w, channels, coordsystem, electrodes, events, ieeg, scans | link | @ftadel |
ieeg_epilepsy_ecog | multiple sessions, tutorial | anat, ieeg | T1w, channels, coordsystem, electrodes, events, ieeg, photo, scans | link | @ftadel |
ieeg_filtered_speech | recordings of three seizures | ieeg | channels, coordsystem, electrodes, events, ieeg, photo | n/a | @choldgraf |
ieeg_motorMiller2007 | Cue-based hand & tongue movement data | ieeg | channels, coordsystem, electrodes, events, ieeg | n/a | @dorahermes |
ieeg_visual | Stimulus dependence of gamma oscillations in human visual cortex | anat, ieeg | T1w, channels, coordsystem, electrodes, events, ieeg | n/a | @dorahermes |
ieeg_visual_multimodal | n/a | anat, fmap, func, ieeg | T1w, bold, channels, coordsystem, electrodes, epi, events, ieeg, sbref | n/a | @irisgroen |
xeeg_hed_score | EEG and iEEG data with annotations of artifacts, seizures and modulators using HED-SCORE | anat, eeg, ieeg | T1w, channels, coordsystem, eeg, electrodes, events, ieeg | n/a | @dorahermes |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
eeg_ds003645s_hed_demo | Shows usage of Hierarchical Event Descriptor (HED) in .tsv files | anat, beh, eeg, micr, motion | KSSSleep, SPIM, beh, channels, coordsystem, defacemask, eeg, electrodes, events, motion, photo, samples, scans | link | @VisLab |
eeg_ds003645s_hed_library | HED annotation using HED library vocabularies (schema). | eeg | channels, eeg, events | link | @VisLab |
xeeg_hed_score | EEG and iEEG data with annotations of artifacts, seizures and modulators using HED-SCORE | anat, eeg, ieeg | T1w, channels, coordsystem, eeg, electrodes, events, ieeg | n/a | @dorahermes |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
ds000117 | A multi-subject, multi-modal human neuroimaging dataset of 19 subjects on a MEG visual task | anat, beh, dwi, fmap, func, meg | FLASH, T1w, bold, channels, coordsystem, dwi, events, headshape, magnitude1, magnitude2, meg, phasediff, scans | link | @RikHenson |
ds000246 | Auditory dataset used for Brainstorm’s general online tutorial | anat, meg | T1w, channels, coordsystem, headshape, meg, photo, scans | link | @guiomar |
ds000247 | Five minutes, eyes-open, resting-state MEG data from 5 subjects. This is a sample from The Open MEG Archive (OMEGA). | anat, meg | T1w, channels, coordsystem, headshape, meg, scans | link | @guiomar |
ds000248 | MNE sample data: Data with visual and auditory stimuli | anat, meg | FLASH, T1w, channels, coordsystem, events, meg, scans | link | @agramfort |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
eeg_ds003645s_hed_demo | Shows usage of Hierarchical Event Descriptor (HED) in .tsv files | anat, beh, eeg, micr, motion | KSSSleep, SPIM, beh, channels, coordsystem, defacemask, eeg, electrodes, events, motion, photo, samples, scans | link | @VisLab |
micr_SEM | Example SEM dataset in PNG format with 1 sample imaged over 2 sessions | micr | SEM, photo, samples, sessions | link | @jcohenadad |
micr_SEMzarr | Example SEM dataset in PNG and OME-ZARR format with 1 sample imaged over 2 sessions | micr | SEM, SPIM, samples, sessions | n/a | @TheChymera |
micr_SPIM | Example SPIM dataset in OME-TIFF format with 2 samples from the same subject with 4 chunks each | micr | SPIM, photo, samples | link | @jcohenadad |
micr_XPCTzarr | Example XPCT dataset in OME-ZARR format with 1 sample imaged | micr | XPCT, photo, samples, sessions | link | @chourroutm |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
eeg_ds003645s_hed_demo | Shows usage of Hierarchical Event Descriptor (HED) in .tsv files | anat, beh, eeg, micr, motion | KSSSleep, SPIM, beh, channels, coordsystem, defacemask, eeg, electrodes, events, motion, photo, samples, scans | link | @VisLab |
motion_dualtask | older and younger participants walking while performing discrimination task | eeg, motion | channels, eeg, events, motion, scans | n/a | @sjeung |
motion_spotrotation | participants rotated heading using full-body motion or joystick | eeg, motion | channels, coordsystem, eeg, electrodes, events, motion, scans | link | @sjeung |
motion_systemvalidation | Example dataset of two different motion captured system recorded almost simultaneously, but no brain data | motion | channels, motion, scans | link | @JuliusWelzel |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
7t_trt | n/a | anat, fmap, func | T1map, T1w, bold, magnitude1, magnitude2, phasediff, physio, scans, sessions | link | n/a |
ds000117 | A multi-subject, multi-modal human neuroimaging dataset of 19 subjects on a MEG visual task | anat, beh, dwi, fmap, func, meg | FLASH, T1w, bold, channels, coordsystem, dwi, events, headshape, magnitude1, magnitude2, meg, phasediff, scans | link | @RikHenson |
ds001 | single task, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds002 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds003 | single task, single run | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds005 | single task, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds006 | single task, multiple sessions, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds007 | single task, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds008 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds009 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2, scans | link | n/a |
ds011 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds051 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds052 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds101 | single task, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events | link | n/a |
ds102 | single task, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events | link | n/a |
ds105 | single task, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events | link | n/a |
ds107 | single task, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events | link | n/a |
ds108 | single task, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events | link | n/a |
ds109 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events | link | n/a |
ds110 | single task, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds113b | forrest gump watching, multiple sessions, multiple runs | func | bold, events | link | n/a |
ds114 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | anat, dwi, func | T1w, bold, dwi, events | link | n/a |
ds116 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | anat, func | T1w, bold, events, inplaneT2 | link | n/a |
ds210 | multiple tasks, multiple runs | func | bold, physio | link | n/a |
eeg_rest_fmri | Resting state with simultaneous fMRI. BrainVision data format (.eeg, .vhdr, .vmrk) | anat, dwi, eeg, func | T1w, bold, dwi, eeg | n/a | @cpernet |
genetics_ukbb | multiple tasks, T1w, DTI, BOLD, genetic info | anat, dwi, func | FLAIR, T1w, bold, dwi, events, info | n/a | @cpernet |
ieeg_visual_multimodal | n/a | anat, fmap, func, ieeg | T1w, bold, channels, coordsystem, electrodes, epi, events, ieeg, sbref | n/a | @irisgroen |
synthetic | A synthetic dataset | anat, beh, func | T1w, beh, bold, events, physio, scans, sessions, stim | n/a | @effigies |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
mrs_2dmrsi | 2D sLASER MRSI data from 8 subjects | anat, mrs | T1w, mrsi | link | @markmikkelsen |
mrs_biggaba | MEGA-PRESS and PRESS MRS data from 12 subjects from one site from the Big GABA project | anat, mrs | T1w, mrsref, svs | link | @markmikkelsen |
mrs_fmrs | Functional MRS data involving a pain stimulus task from 15 subjects | anat, mrs | T1w, events, mrsref, svs | link | @markmikkelsen |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
fnirs_automaticity | 24 subjects performing (non-)automatic finger tapping and foot stepping | nirs | channels, coordsystem, events, nirs, optodes, practicelogbook, scans | link | @robertoostenveld |
fnirs_tapping | Example fNIRS measurement with three conditions from five subjects | nirs | channels, coordsystem, events, nirs, optodes, scans | link | @rob-luke |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
pet001 | T1w, PET, blood | anat, pet | T1w, blood, pet | n/a | @mnoergaard |
pet002 | T1w, PET | anat, pet | T1w, pet | link | @mnoergaard |
pet003 | T1w, PET, blood | anat, pet | T1w, blood, pet | n/a | @mnoergaard |
pet004 | PET, blood | pet | blood, pet | n/a | @mnoergaard |
pet005 | T1w, PET | anat, pet | T1w, events, pet | n/a | @mnoergaard |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
qmri_irt1 | Inversion Recovery T1 mapping | anat | IRT1 | not publicly available |
@agahkarakuzu |
qmri_megre | Multi-Echo Gradient-Echo for T2star mapping. | anat | MEGRE | not publicly available |
@agahkarakuzu |
qmri_mese | Multi-Echo Spin-Echo for T2 or Myelin Water Fraction (MWF) mapping. | anat | MESE | not publicly available |
@agahkarakuzu |
qmri_mp2rage | MP2RAGE for T1 mapping | anat | MP2RAGE, T1map, UNIT1, defacemask | link | @Gilles86 |
qmri_mp2rageme | Multi-echo MP2RAGE | anat, fmap | MP2RAGE, TB1map | link | @Gilles86 |
qmri_mpm | Multi-parametric mapping for R1, R2star, MTsat and PD mapping | anat, fmap | MPM, RB1COR, TB1EPI, magnitude1, magnitude2, phasediff | link | @ChristophePhillips |
qmri_mtsat | Example dataset for T1 and MTsat mapping. Includes a double-angle B1+ mapping example. | anat, fmap | MTS, TB1DAM | link | @agahkarakuzu |
qmri_qsm | Chimap using fast QSM | anat | T1w | not publicly available |
@agahkarakuzu |
qmri_sa2rage | Fast B1+ mapping using SA2RAGE | fmap | TB1SRGE | not publicly available |
@agahkarakuzu |
qmri_tb1tfl | B1+ mapping with TurboFLASH readout. | fmap | TB1TFL | not publicly available |
@agahkarakuzu |
qmri_vfa | Variable Flip Angle T1 mapping. Includes an Actual Flip Angle (AFI) B1+ mapping example. | anat, fmap | TB1AFI, VFA | link | @agahkarakuzu |
name | description | datatypes | suffixes | link to full data | maintained by |
pheno004 | Minimal dataset with subjects with imaging and/or phenotype data | phenotype, anat | T1w | n/a | @ericearl |