2020 12 03 steering group minutes
Executive Summary
This was a joint meeting between the Steering and Maintainers Group. We began this meeting by discussing the status of the ASL BEP. This BEP has completed the community review and the Maintainers are preparing to incorporate the extension into the standard. We found large portions of BEP001 will also go into the next release. We spent the majority of our meeting discussing how we can provide guidance to BEP leads regarding crediting the Steering and Maintainers group. We evaluated several different potential approaches.
Action Items
Action items |
BEP lead guidance document regarding how to credit contributions |
ASL BEP and next release:
Whether to merge ASL BEP before holidays will be left up to Maintainers.
Releasing ASL and most of BEP001
Maintainership counts as "substantial contributions to the conception of the work" (one of ICMJE criteria).
Look at https://credit.niso.org/ for authorship roles
- Roles that are applicable: data curation and software
- Resources potentially too
Include recommended (but not required) text for including Steering/Maintainers as coauthors and description of roles. Requiring credit goes against open values of standard.
- Split Steering group and Maintainer group descriptions/recommendations given different levels of engagement.
- Generally will be Steering Group + Maintainers or just Maintainers.
Add columns to Maintainers table with start date and end date, and self-selection on whether to include on papers if authors think the ex-Maintainer contributed.
Authorship credit could be equal among our groups. BEP leads can make the decision.
Preference may be a BIDS Maintainers consortia author -Credit taxonomy could address and report specific contributions
To help avoid confusion regarding how to add a corporate author, we may provide a few examples of how it can be done