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Indexing and querying

These tools help index the content of BIDS datasets and return a listing of files that match a certain query (for example "Give me all the files from subject 01 and 13 for datatypes anat and eeg.")

Name Language Description Updated
BIDSHandler Python
Library for loading and manipulating BIDS compatible MEG data Last commit
PyBIDS Python
Python package to quickly parse / search the components of a BIDS dataset. It also contains functionality for running analyses on your data. Last commit
LazyBIDS Python
Python package to interact with BIDS datasets in a pythonic way. A BIDS dataset is read to hierarchical pydantic models (e.g. dataset->subjects->sessions->scans), variables are accesibles as model properties, tables, SimpleITK Images and numpy arrays. Also serves as python client for lazybids-ui server. Last commit
ancp-bids Python
A Python package to read/write/query/validate BIDS datasets. Last commit
bids-matlab MATLAB
MATLAB/Octave tools to interact with datasets conforming to the BIDS format Last commit
bids2table Python
bids2table is a library for efficiently indexing and querying large-scale BIDS neuroimaging datasets and derivatives. Last commit
bidser R
Working with Brain Imaging Data Structure in R Last commit
rbids R
aims to make BIDS datasets more easily accessible for packages written in R Last commit

File handling

These tools help you work with certain specific BIDS files or may help you rename them.

Name Language Description Updated
File mapper Python
An easy tool to copy/move/symlink files from one directory to the other! Can be used to "convert" dataset to be BIDS compliant. Last commit
GUI dataset description generator Python
GUI form that generates dataset_description.json Last commit
bids2cite Python
package to interactively update dataset_description.json and generate citation files (for example datacite.yml) for BIDS datasets. Last commit
spm_2_bids MATLAB
a tool convert SPM preprocessed output to BIDS derivatives (trying to follow BEP12) Last commit

Data annotation

These tools make it easier to curate the metadata of your BIDS dataset.

Name Language Description Updated
Hierarchical Event Descriptors (HED) Python tools Python
HED libraries supporting schema development as well as annotation, validation, and analysis. Last commit
Hierarchical Event Descriptors (HED) online tools website
Online tools for annotation, validation, summary, and assembly of event file contents and annotations. Last commit
LazyBIDS-ui Python
FastAPI web server providing a GUI to explore (imaging) BIDS datasets interactively, also provides (XNAT-like) REST-API to access (parts of) datasets on a client machine. Uses NiiVue to view and navigate (3D) images in the browser. Last commit
neurobagel annotate website
This tool allows you to create a machine readable data dictionary in .json format for a tabular phenotypic file in .tsv format ("Data table"). Last commit


These packages or toolboxes are BIDS "friendly" and contain functionalities that will make your life easeir if you work with BIDS datasets.

Name Language Description Updated
Brainstorm MATLAB
MEG/EEG analysis package Last commit
A toolbox facilitating Deep Brain Stimulation electrode reconstructions and computer simulations supports BIDS conversion and ingestion of BIDS datasets. Last commit
PRFmodel a set of tools to fit population receptive field models to BIDS datasets Last commit
mne-bids Python
collection of tools for converting magnetoencephalography (MEG) data into BIDS format, as well as some helper functions for creating the folders and metadata needed for a BIDS dataset. Last commit
mne-bids-pipeline Python
MNE-BIDS-Pipeline is a full-flegded processing pipeline for your MEG and EEG data. Under the hood, it uses MNE-Python. Last commit


Name Language Description Updated
BIDS-pydantic Python
Pulls a specified version of the BIDS schema and creates corresponding Pydantic models, which will provide BIDS data validation using Python type annotations. See also BIDS-pydantic-models. Last commit
babs Python
BIDS App Bootstrap (BABS) is a reproducible, generalizable, and scalable Python package for BIDS App analysis of large datasets. It uses DataLad and adopts FAIRly big framework. Last commit
bids stats model Python
Validate BIDS statistical model. To learn more the BIDS stats model website Last commit
bids-cfood Python
a module to handle BIDS dataset for the caosDB data crawler Last commit
clpipe Python
streamlined processing pipeline for MRI data centered around BIDS Last commit
cuBIDS Python
a Python package designed to facilitate reproducible curation of neuroimaging BIDS datasets Last commit
neurobagel query website
Neurobagel's query tool is a web interface for searching across a BIDS datasets based on various subject clinical-demographic and imaging parameters. Last commit
nipopy Python
Lightweight neuroimaging workflow manager to help with DICOM to BIDS conversion and running BIDS apps. Last commit
psychopy-bids Python
A psychopy plugin to help easily output a BIDS dataset, including events.tsv and beh.tsv files when running experiments with psychopy. Last commit