2023 03 23 steering group minutes
Topic | Relevant Links |
“Model” / “Resultset” directory proposal | https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-specification/pull/1280 |
BIDS Derivatives retreat June 21st - 23rd | https://openneuropet.github.io/bidsderivativemeeting/ |
Summary of the PET-BIDS derivatives meeting | BIDS Extension Proposal 23 (BEP023): PET Preprocessing Derivatives |
Meeting with the DICOM team | Yaroslav sent a follow up email offering to join DICOM committee meeting |
Stefan: Here are three issues that could benefit from steering input (in particular those familiar with ephys experience)
"Model" / "Resultset" directory proposal derivatives pull request
New proposal of models (for example dti models) where derivatives may be created from this model thus creating parameters and derivatives of a model that have overlapping meta-data.
Proposed Solution:
add a 'results' directory that contains the files of the model with metadata describing those files. Is it okay to add an additional nested directory like this?
MFP (model fit parameter) and MDP (model derived parameter) suffixes
- this appears to be very dwi specific, should the suffixes be dwi specific?
- Why is datatype not under model label in the pull request example?
- Is the proposed organization of data aligned with user community? - should we request input from community to determine where these results should be stored
- https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-specification/issues/751#issuecomment-820800800
- How does this apply to more general data modalities? Like mEEG, SPECT - more use cases beyond dMRI would be helpful
- "BIDS-like derivatives in other modalities: https://data.donders.ru.nl/collections/di/dccn/DSC_3031000.00_191?0, see also https://github.com/Donders-Institute/infant-cluster-effectsize (for the scripts that generate the result)
- Other ideas: tarballs instead of directories, HDF5 files instead of directories.
BIDS Derivatives Retreat
- For general derivatives group (not just pet)
- See link for more information
Summary of the PET-BIDS derivatives meeting
- Meeting happened 2 weeks ago (March 10th)
- Mostly an onboarding meeting for the importance and relevance of PET-BIDS derivatives
- Raw PET data is now part of BIDS, now the second half of the white paper will address the derivatives aspect of PET
- The PET users are more clinically oriented, more diverse user groups, less agreement within the community in data standards
- The community is between two ideas: a more restrictive approach with data types allowed, or free datatypes with detailed provenance
Meeting with the DICOM team
- We need to formalize our current state of affairs, see which terms align/ dont align
- We need to follow up on email from Kim on Feb 14 asking to present at a dicom committee meeting.