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2023 03 23 steering group minutes

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“Model” / “Resultset” directory proposal
BIDS Derivatives retreat June 21st - 23rd
Summary of the PET-BIDS derivatives meeting BIDS Extension Proposal 23 (BEP023): PET Preprocessing Derivatives
Meeting with the DICOM team Yaroslav sent a follow up email offering to join DICOM committee meeting

Stefan: Here are three issues that could benefit from steering input (in particular those familiar with ephys experience)



"Model" / "Resultset" directory proposal derivatives pull request

New proposal of models (for example dti models) where derivatives may be created from this model thus creating parameters and derivatives of a model that have overlapping meta-data.

Proposed Solution:

  • add a 'results' directory that contains the files of the model with metadata describing those files. Is it okay to add an additional nested directory like this?

  • MFP (model fit parameter) and MDP (model derived parameter) suffixes


BIDS Derivatives Retreat

  • For general derivatives group (not just pet)
  • See link for more information

Summary of the PET-BIDS derivatives meeting

  • Meeting happened 2 weeks ago (March 10th)
  • Mostly an onboarding meeting for the importance and relevance of PET-BIDS derivatives
  • Raw PET data is now part of BIDS, now the second half of the white paper will address the derivatives aspect of PET
  • The PET users are more clinically oriented, more diverse user groups, less agreement within the community in data standards
  • The community is between two ideas: a more restrictive approach with data types allowed, or free datatypes with detailed provenance

Meeting with the DICOM team

  • We need to formalize our current state of affairs, see which terms align/ dont align
  • We need to follow up on email from Kim on Feb 14 asking to present at a dicom committee meeting.