2023 11 09 steering group minutes

Topic Relevant Links
Consolidation: we have so many people that struggle converting with the available converter tools and the starter kit documentation. Those people are our stakeholders and could use better support. for example extending the starter kit, office hours, ...

Are we all clear with receiving our part of the prize money? And are we clear with the split between the USA and EU?

Also: meeting with TOSI Leaders Council November 15th at 13:30 EST

OHBM town hall meeting

OHBM Round table


Election new steering group members
Dung Truong from UCSD suggested to be a co-lead on HED for the advisory committee.
From last meeting: Some BEP037 budget in Italy, probably easiest to try to allocate it for Stefan or Remi. First part of budget needs to be spent by March and next batch in December. ACTION POINT: Anthony to ask other maintainers.
BIDS paper Guio drafted history line: BIDS history timeline

BIDS Meeting Notes:

Ariel will do the TOSI talk 13:30 Eastern US Time. Others from the steering group are also invited to join, but nobody else seems to be available.

Yarik will give the prize acceptance talk at the Open Science symposium on 30 Nov. Try to give a take home message to influential people in the audience (for future funding and so on). Look at the application pitch for some figure.

Ariel is confident that half of the money that UW receives can be transferred to Copenhagen. Ariel will write something for Copenhagen as subcontractor, and Cyril should send an invoice. Since the first maintainers workshop to be organized is by Ariel, it is best to have the money first go to UW, then Copenhagen.

OHBM deadline was extended, the round table will consist of two (5-minute?) talks and a discussion, but especially should be free-format. Christine volunteered to be one of the speakers, which is very welcome for a more diverse representation.

[OHBM Round table]


We should invite the Chinese and Korean chapters of OHBM to join (or have a representative join) in the round table meeting. ACTIO POINT: Cyril will contact them.

New steering group members: quorum has been reached but results are not yet available. Should become available tomorrow.

Stefan and Remi seem to be interested to work on BEP037 as subcontractors. ACTION point: Robert will check with Remi and Stefan.

Consolidation: there is general agreement that it would be good to get more content under a single web-presence (bids-standard.org). Cyril could pay Anthony to work on this, as it is part of the goals of OpenNeuroPet. It would also be possible to hire external communication and UX expertise to support this. ACTIO point: Cyril will chat with Melanie and Anthony and we should all think about the content to be consolidated.

Here is a list to get started with:

  • bids.neuroimaging.io (to go under bids-standard.org)
  • apps.neuroimaging.io
  • Starter kit
  • Specification (now on RTD)
  • Extension guidelines (now on RTD)
  • Awesome BIDS list
  • Governance documents that are now as a google doc
  • ...

Things not to merge but to link

  • Google docs with draft BEPs
  • Github organization, issues and workflow
  • Support channels (google group, neurostars)
  • Announcement channels (mattermost, twitter)
  • Merchandize
  • ...

Things that are not for public display

  • Maintainers folder on Google Drive
  • Slack
  • Meeting notes (at least some are not for public display)