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2024 08 30 steering group minutes


  • Kim Ray
  • Eric Earl
  • Ariel Rokem
  • Dora Hermes
  • Yaroslav Halchenko

HackMD transition

  • Success

BIDS stimulus specification

  • progress is ongoing with this, there is a google doc created and specification
  • PR to reserve BEP044

BIDS Website URL

Should "" send you to the new website or should send you to the new website or should we use "" or ""?

  • we can't get because it will be prohibitively costly (>>$10,000+)
  • current decision to remain with

INCF Assembly Tabling by Yarik, Eric, Anthony, and ???

Thanks to Ariel for settling the discussions with INCF! Who is coordinating with INCF to make sure it is mentioned in their program/schedule/book/website and what it should say, if possible? Is there a budget beyond just the $500 deal made for BIDS swag/flyers/supplies?

BIDS. Change My Mind

  • If James is willing to sit at the booth, then it seems fine for him to use the free registration

  • who is working with INCF for advertising BIDS?

  • Ariel will ask Helena about adding BIDS to the schedule...

  • BIDS swag: Ariel prefers to purchase swag using his institutional card for ease of reimbursement. Send to: 108 E dean Keeton Austin TX 78712?

Remote BIDS Town Hall

  • maintainers support this idea, but would want attendees to RSVP
  • a remote meeting is favorable
  • form an organizing committee
  • need to determine a date that does not interfere with a large conference
  • Can we start a small group of townhall organizers?

Part-time volunteer coordinator

Can the Steering Group hire/pay a part-time volunteer coordinator for BIDS maintainers, steering group, and BEPs coordination? Kind of like what Franklin used to do.

  • Can BIDS pay for a part time BIDS coordinator position for steering group, maintainers, and BEPS?

  • currently everyone with BIDS is at a volunteer basis

  • possible solution: create an organization/foundation (501c3/non-profit) that labs could create a contract to support a person

Steering Group election

  • We need more support for this.

    • Dora can meet with Chris to discuss how she can help.
  • Governance?

    • Add in Code of Conduct procedure. Ariel will draft this

    • BEP procedure to ensure progress

BIDS-INCF Google Season of Docs Project

  • Update

  • website has been consolidated

  • main webite restructure needs mentor review (goal September 15)

  • would like community feedback starting October 1

  • TODO: Steering group to visit/review the website

    • in particular impact page

    • Yarik: IMHO Grantsmanship better goes under "Collaboration", then two next sections (dashboards + measuring impact) should be joined into a single narrative flow

BIDS organizational priorities

What are the BIDS priorities and where should we, as an organization, be on our relative priorities? And did I miss any big ones below? - developing standards and sites - maintaining standards and sites - internal support (things we need) - external support (helping others) - outreach (recruiting new BIDS users/contributors/maintainers/steering group members, keeping old users and contributors) - growth (trying to improve adoption through self-promotion, appearance, marketing...)

  • earlier focus was the 'year of adoption' however priorities may need to adjust to maintaining BIDS
  • the group organization currently supports disparate priorities
  • more awareness could help with building active users that can help with BIDS support