2021 02 25 steering group minutes
Executive Summary
The Steering Group met to discuss the latest updates on the PET extension. The extension is getting closer to completion. We spent the majority of the meeting with the BEP031: Microscopy leads. They introduced the motivation and scale of the effort. There appears to be adjacent ongoing initiatives that could be good to be aligned with. It could be beneficial to introduce a species metadata entity to tease apart the incorporation of the methodology from the species. The BEP031 leads will meet with the Maintainers Group to further discuss their lingering questions.
Action Items
Action item |
Schedule BEP031 to meet with Maintainers |
- Developing the PET extension of the BIDS-validator
The Steering Group spent the rest of the meeting with the BEP031: Microscopy leads
- The motivation for this BEP was the MRI community uses microscopy to validate qMRI recordings
- Range of microscopy data: primarily 2D imaging flavors, some interest to extend into 3D imaging
- Format: single .png, accommodate .oct for 3D imaging
- Addressing in vivo and ex vivo
- There are other types of standards and data structures
- Recent preprint on bioarxiv from the SPARC group
- Detail level questions can be opened as issues in the bids-specification repository to get Maintainers thoughts
- The Neuroscience Data Structure group is another team thinking about this
- Considering species, formats, and experiments
- Microscopy could be split into microscopy and mouse/animal
- Mouse/animal would be primarily metadata additions similar to genetics and HED
- Adding sample entity, could be a separate pull request
- For breaking down large files into smaller ones:
is for temporal andchunk
could be used for spatial - Suggest using the entity that a particular community is familiar and comfortable with
- Perhaps adding species into BIDS
- May be through