2021 03 18 steering group minutes
Executive Summary
The Steering Group spent the first part of this meeting discussing project sustainability. Then, we discussed our plans for OHBM. We’ll hold another Town Hall and use OHBM to broadcast our Steering Group election taking place in the Fall.
Action Items
PET validator extension is nearing completion
Project sustainability
Potential Maintainer’s Group enhancement
BEP representative that liaisons with the Maintainers
Use OHBM to do a callout for the next Steering Group member
Elections are scheduled to take place this Fall
Enhancement to the website
Rethink what we are trying to convey
OHBM: Hold BIDS Town Hall again this year in the Open Science Room
Process to promote and deprecate tools
Classes: converters, Apps, libraries (more bids-adjacent)
Sorting a little differently
- Maybe by modality
BIDS previous slideshows from the community