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2021 04 08 steering group minutes

Executive Summary

The Steering Group started this meeting discussing and learning how the Maintainers balanced incorporating multiple BEPs in a short time frame. We went over our lessons learned and potential enhancements to the process. The Steering Group discussed further potential plans for OHBM’s Open Science Room. Then, we discussed further enhancements to the website and potential questions to focus on as the development advances. We ended with discussing potential enhancements to the BIDS-validator.

Action Items



  • Lessons learned from incorporating multiple BEPs at the same time

  • Enhance the expectation management to BEP leads

    • Potentially update BEP template
  • Nudge BEP leads toward modular PRs

  • BIDS website: evaluate needs and does it convey the needs of a user

  • Focus on colleagues not part of the BIDS community

  • Help embed new members into the community

  • Tease apart content from platform

  • Pushing a validator meeting