2024 02 01 steering group minutes
Topic | Relevant Links and to do |
April maintainers meeting in Seattle |
Updates? https://github.com/bids-standard/202404-seattle-maintainer-meeting https://bids-standard.github.io/202404-seattle-maintainer-meeting/ |
BIDS steering ways of working, onboarding? |
Right now pure catching up, but maybe good idea to have a plan We got an onboarding folder for maintainers (probably overlap with onboarding steering) in the google drive and a BIDS accounts and onboarding and CONTENT for the whole google drive -- proof the website and info needs updated :-) lol |
OPM BEP proposal ?? seems wrong given test performed -- MEG updates needed https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-specification/issues/1676 |
Cyril/Ariel, train the trainers idea as part of outreach |
Updates on plan for website |
See BIDS Online Presence Working Group: Working Document To be discussed next time |
Cooperation with DICOM standard | YOH pointed David Clunie to our DICOMs deficits table , he forwarded to WG-16 to consider at the next meeting. To be discussed next time |
OHBM roundtable/town hall plans |
Cyril to email Chinese and Korean chapters |
BIDS 2.0 going forward! | To be discussed next time |
Present: Cyril Pernet, Kimberly Ray, Ariel Rokem, Camille Maumet, Yaroslav Halchenko, Rémi Gau
BIDS Meeting Notes
April maintainers meeting in Seattle
Christine and Eric are pinging people to see if they want / can come
Maintainers need to be re-pinged
Meeting can support about 20-25 attendees
Scope: For maintainers and / or BEP?
ACTION: [arokem@gmail.com] contact maintainers to know what type of meetings and would be most useful for them
BIDS steering ways of working
How can new steering group members \'catch up' on the previous years progress and ongoing goals for the steering group?
Important docs: We got an [onboarding]folder for maintainers (probably overlap with onboarding steering) in the google drive and a [BIDS accounts and onboarding]
The google drive is where everything lives, Remi has a [CONTENT] file to help browse the google drive
What was achieved by steering in past 2-3 years
Current projects in progress in the steering group.
A view of typical \"tasks\"/topics the steering is working on.
ACTION: Rémi set up a meeting to populate the onboarding docs above
ACTION: Kim added bookmark linking the BIDS Maintainers google drive in the BIDS steering group slack channel for easier access
OPM BEP proposal
Optically Pumped Magnetometer-based Magnetoencephalography (OPM-MEG)
Suggestion: contact BEP leaders to address the concerns that it is not following BEP protocols.
Could probably be PR?
In any case, we should point them to the bids BEP guidelines: [https://bids-extensions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/#when-and-how-to-start-a-bids-extension-proposal]
BEP guidelines may require too high of a level of understanding of BIDS for a novice user
ACTION: Rémi to point to BEP guidelines, mention that it is probably not needed to go for a BEP but a PR should be enough. Mention that a PR plus example should be enough.
ACTION: update BEP guidelines to make sure that the future \'BEP' content cannot already fit into what BIDS raw can do.
ACTION: [Camille+Rém]{.mark}i to propose and update to the BEP guidelines. Note would be good to ask people to ask to reach out earlier to maintainers/steering w/ an example so that it can illustrate why a BEP would be needed.
Train the trainers
Goal is to make BIDS more accessible and increase impact
Similar to data carpentries: [https://carpentries.org/become-instructor/]
Repronim fellowship: [https://www.repronim.org/fellowship]
This is more geared to help fellows create material for their own training
List "certified BIDS trainers" on the BIDS website
Having a way to "certify" trainers
Who will be the (meta)trainer to train the trainers?
Data carpentry BIDS "courses" in the carpentry incubator (for users not trainers): [https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-starter-kit/issues/136#issue-666838055]
Lighter version of an ambassador program
Carpentries instructor certification: [https://carpentries.org/become-instructor/], and materials we can use/adapt: [https://carpentries.github.io/instructor-training/]
At this point, reach out to Christine to see what she needs in order to get her started and going on her part of the presentation, which is the "state of the BIDS" address.