2024 05 02 steering group minutes
Topic | Relevant Links and to do |
potential BEPs being initiated for stimuli and EMG on gitHub | |
BIDS 2.0 |
INCF | |
BIDS working group on BEP process? |
Present: Ariel Rokem, Kim Ray, Anthony Galassi, Dora Hermes, Camille Maumet, Yaroslav Halchenko, Cyril Pernet
BIDS Meeting Notes
BIDS Seattle meeting recap
Successful, groups worked on various projects, a lot of progress was made on BIDS 2.0, new contributors joined
New work on BEP for animal modeling (BEP 32?)
The budget/expense summary has not been finalized yet, Ariel will work on this and report back to the steering group
Will establish a sub-contract at copenhagen to transfer the BIDS award money there
- European meeting to be organized in spring 2025?
BEPs for stimuli and EMG on gitHub
- What is the official protocol for this?
- No opposition for the BEP
- Appears to be an extension of EEG/MEG
- We are making the decision in support of a BEP number for this work, based on the support from the maintainers
BIDS 2.0
github project [bids-standard/projects/10]
Should this get an official BEP?
What is the difference between a BEP and a working group? (should this be a working group?)
- Currently only a single working group for online progress
- This will be paving new directions/definitions of what a working group is and does
- Yarik organized the "GitHub Team" BIDS 2.0: [bids-standard/teams/bids-2-0]
Would like feedback on projects on github, big issues have been better formalized
Yarik will tackle the hierarchy of file names/inheritances
Yarik will work on this at the OHBM Brainhack in June 2024, Seoul
INCF and SfN abstracts for BIDS 2.0 - please join is you would like to contribute
Can we get stickers? They are not allowed at SfN
A BIDS 'cheat-sheet' could be distributed as an alternative (1 page print out/flyer) including different modalities in BIDS, ongoing BEPs, and so on.
What does BIDS have at OHBM?
Round Table (this is replacing the previous 'townhall')
- We need to prepare documentation for this: a slide deck that includes the current state of BEPs
- Slide deck should focus on large themes (e.g. getting Asai involvement, BIDS 2.0)
- Will there be a hybrid option? Camille will email Beth Slater
Cyril will meet Korean/Asian chapter to discuss how to include Asia in BIDS
Can we create BIDS stickers for posters that use BIDS
Peer has a poster?
Round Table/Town hall should have a hybrid option. This should be prioritized for future OHBM meetings, if its not a possibility for the Round Table, then we should explore moving back to the OSR Round Table so that it can be broadcasted live.
Good opportunity to promote BEP 32
- Yariks postdoc might submit an abstract for this
Neurobagel has a participants .tsv standardization schema - should this be harmonized with BIDS 2.0. It should help improve the participant.tsv file content
NIDM, and Neurobagel try to harmonize metadata in this file.
CP proposes that neurobagel should be doing their harmonization work in tandem / within BIDS.
Has been discussed at previous brainhacks.
We need a schema to standardize how metadata in this file should be structured.
This effort needs to be driven by Neurobagel, HED, and so on (not driven by BIDS efforts).
HED is an example of a case where "external" efforts have contributed to BIDS substantially and where the effort goes hand-in-glove with BIDS.
YOH formalized above as an issue: [https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-2-devel/issues/74]
BIDS working group on BEP process?
We need to better characterize when and how to determine what constitutes a BEP
Our governance documents could/should be improved to describe this process
Needs to address: timelines, voting processes,
- Anthony supports having a BEP timeline proposed and presented to be voted on at the next BIDS elections.
- Some form of rules to know, regular check-ins
- Chris has notes from the Seattle meeting discussion on this topic: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/10oa3rCNMDOdtprc7_009uctfkOQqDJJVoK8dipgE6S4/edit#heading=h.hxv1sz2uaf5f]
Next Guest: Franco