2024 05 16 steering group minutes
- Kim Ray
- Ariel Rokem
- Yarik Halchenko
- Camille Maumet
- Stefan Appelhoff
HackMD transition
- We are going to try this out and see how it goes
- Will this go into a GitHub repo in a manner that we can browse in the future?
- Can we retain links to minute docs in the Google Drive, like it has been for Gdocs?
- Lets use this for the next 3 meetings and determine if we stick with it.
OHBM town hall timeline
June 23-27, 2024 Seoul
Lets work backwards from estimated June 27 Townhall meeting
BIDS maintainers report: historically a powerpoint presenting BEP updates
get updates from BEP leads
highlight the Open Science Prize and recent BIDS publications
Presentation should take no longer than 30 minutes to allow for more discussion afterwards
Should we reorganize the structure of the presentation into BEP categories?
strive to highlight what has changed over the past year
include version updates
list new BEPs (since the last townhall)
- BEP 42: EMG
- BEP 43: term mapping
include BIDS 2.0 (Yarik added TODO slide)
highlight new contributors
may be mention the theme of "year of adoption", suggest audience can support adoption
audience involvement, however OHBM will likely request ppt slides in advance
include survey results from community challenges/barriers to BIDS adoption
We should reduce the overall number of slides,
how do discuss improving the diversity of BIDS contributors and community
We need this at all levels: adoptions, contributors, BEP leads, and governance
can be more inclusive by having different skillsets within the BIDS community (not just coders)
we could use the location of the meeting as a way to improve the diversity
we should address multiple areas of diversity: gender, location, background of the people (e.g. computer science, medical doctors, neuroscience) and this at different levels of BIDS (users, contributors, BEP leads, steering & maintainers) -- Camille: I am happy to contribute here
should we order BIDS stickers and stickers for posters using BIDS
will BIDS townhall be hybrid?
Does BIDS have standard flyers for OHBM? Yarik volunteered to share his Dandi booth to host BIDS
BIDS 2.0
INCF abstract
Should this be a BEP or Working Group?
See formal process on BIDS website for establishing such a working group.
- this is separate from the BEP working group
this is different than a typical BEP and should get wider community input
governance doc says that a working group should advance the BIDS community, not the standard
Stefan will ask the maintainers for their opinions if it should be BEP or Working Group