2024 11 21 steering group minutes
- Ariel Rokem (fairwell!)
- Franco Pestilli (welcome!)
- Camille Maumet
- Yaroslav Halchenko
- Dora Hermes
- Kim Ray
- Cyril Pernet
- Chris Markiewicz
- James Kent (From the OHBM open-science special interest group - OSSIG)
- Ju-Chi Yu (From the OSSIG)
- Robert OostenVeld (for the MED file format discussion)
MED file format
MED is a new file format, a clinical format
- Nominally an update of the MEF3 format which is widely supported
The file formats are a little different, there are no common readers, not yet supported by the community.
File format may be a privatized from a clinical neurologist (MEF3, MET stat), it's not a free format.
YH: Since its not free, do we need to support them?
RO: This is a newer format that is potentially being added last minute, has not yet been community vetted.
YH: Should we establish requirement for adding a new file format? For example, adoption.
RO: Wide adopt is a current criteria, and its not yet met. It should also add additional value, and that has not yet been established.
CP: We should establish a procedure for adding new formats based on this request.
CM: Where should the procedure be established?
others: Where other guidelines are provided on the BIDS website.
CP: We should not support this file format because it does not meet criteria, we should share the criteria with them.
RO: suggested responding that the steering group choose not to include it now, but that it could be included in BIDS 2.0.
Steering Group decicions: to not include at this time.
OpenScience Room at OHBM
wanting to have a BIDS opener at OHBM
- there will be a platform for the town hall this year
- either crowdcast or zoom, decision has not been made yet. With zoom you can do youtube streaming at the same time.
- there will be a platform for the town hall this year
OSR there was not a good attendance last year, they are looking for more engagement
Would like for a 20-30 minute BIDS summary.
Who from BIDS will be at OHBM that can present?
Remi mentioned that BIDS townhall will likely not be during OHBM but the OSR can support this using their platform.
Franco will be attending, Kim Ray will attend.
CP: yes BIDS will have a representative that present during the opener, the person can be identified later.
CamM: townhall online is more inclusive and important, can the OSR detail more about what they are expecting BIDS to present?
JY: not a beginner, looking for a BIDS update and where the community can contribute. They are planning about a 10-20 minute slot, but could have up to 45 mins.
AR: since a townhall is already being planned, a shorter presentation seems appropriate.
JK: suggests to condense the BIDS townhall for the BIDS opener
JY: they are planning to bring the hacking space back to the OSR which might have been why last year's OSR was less successful.
CM: when should we let OSSIG know how long BIDS would like to present?
JY: December.
CamM: 20 minutes is reasonable
JY: OSSIG will provide the platform for BIDS townhall, the platform is not yet determined but they will support.
CamM: we should have/create an email account - the steering group needs to have a mechanism for communication (other than slack) (Camille will do, added to the todo items).
New Steering Group Member
Welcome Franco Pestilli!
Which accounts does Franco need to join/gain access to?
- slack, hackmd, google drive, mattermost, github teams (owner permissions - Chris M will do this)
share the source for maintainer updates with Franco
NIH DCC - BIDS will need microsopy.
Additional Discussion
- we decided to move to mattermost a while ago but never adopted it, let's do it now.
- AR added steering group members, should all members be allowed to be in the group?
- CM: supports all SG members, we will move forward with all steering group members.